NEJETAA member Natasha is holding a fundraiser to send Boston high school students to Japan! Please see below for her message.
I am JET Alum Natasha Huggins, Nagano 2001-2004. I am currently a teacher at New Mission High School in Boston, MA. I am fundraising to take my students, 80% who qualify for the free-reduced lunch program, to Japan. We are going to have a “Titan Thrify Tag Sale” on June 22, 2013 at our school in Hyde Park, MA from 10am – 2pm. We are going to have a Taiko performance, auction items, raffles, magic show, cultural foods and treats. We request JET Alums in the Boston area to join in our event, or donate items we can sell. If anyone would like to donate, they can email me directly and we can arrange a pick-up. Thank you in advance for your help.
Natasha Huggins
nhuggins2 at gmail dot com