Thank you for voting in May’s NEJETAA’s officer elections!
Jeffrey Kennedy is our Vice President, Patricia Frisoli is our Treasurer, and Katie Mulroy is our Social Chair. There were no platforms submitted for Webmaster/Communications Coordinator. Christina Omori will continue to serve in this position until elections for this position in November 2013 but if you are interested in serving in an interim term as Webmaster please email webmaster at nejetaa dot com.
We wish to thank Jason Currier for his service as Vice President for the past year.
Social Committee member positions remain open. The Social Committee supports the Social Chair to plan approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Welcome Back party, Nihongo Dake dinners, etc. The members of the social committee (generally about 3-5 members at any given time) are volunteers (rather than elected people) and are not considered officers. If you are interested in getting involved, please email Katie at social at nejetaa dot com.
Click here to view/download minutes from the May 21, 2013 General Meeting and elections. Thank you Brian and Jeff for taking the minutes.