Introducing: NEJETAA’s Hanami Photo Contest!
Kakunodate Sakura (2012)
We’re still shivering in New England, but it’s almost time for the cherry blossoms to start blooming in parts of Japan. With that, we would like to feature YOUR pictures of YOUR town’s cherry blossoms on the NEJETAA website main page header!
To submit your photos, you may either: 1) Post them to our Facebook page ( or 2) Email them to webmaster [at] nejetaa [dot] com
Please include the picture’s location and your name (if you would like to be credited) with your picture by April 3rd to be considered.
The best submissions will be chosen to be in our NEJETAA website header and may be featured on our Facebook and Twitter accounts during the cherry blossom season!
Any questions? Please email Tim, at webmaster [at] nejetaa [dot] com!