NEJETAA officer elections and the General Meeting is on Wed., November 28. Save the date! More details about the meeting will be announced shortly.
At that time, members will be voting for President, Membership Coordinator, Communications Coordinator/Webmaster and Social Chair. The Social Chair position is a 6-month filler election until the official Social Chair election in May 2013
Officers are entitled to a free ($45 value!) membership to the Japan Society in Boston, as well as other perks.
*Please read officer duties at the bottom of this post.*
Positions are normally for a one year term, no term limits. Officers are expected to attend as many of the 6 general meetings (held every two months) and 2-4 executive meetings (held as necessary) per year as possible, with 50% attendance as a minimum.
We are asking for platforms of all interested candidates to be submitted for review by our membership. If you’re interested in joining the NEJETAA board, please submit a platform!
What we need: *Less than 200 words *Self-introduction *What you want to accomplish in your time as an officer
Please don’t include any sensitive personal information (phone number, email, etc.), as your platform will be posted online for the membership to read. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just introduce yourself to everyone and tell us what you want to do!
Please send your platform to Christina at webmaster at nejetaa dot com BY WED. NOV. 21. Shortly thereafter it will be published for the general membership to review.
Thanks, and we’re looking forward to hearing from you! The NEJETAA Officers
Click below to read the officer responsibilities.
 NOTE: All officer duties are listed in the Officer Description and Duties file in our downloads section.
The President takes leadership in planning the direction of our group and events; creates meeting agendas and chairs meetings (or delegates those responsibilities) , and makes sure we are fulfilling all of our obligations as a JETAA chapter. The President also serves as our public face, making remarks at events such as the Recent Returnee Dinner at the Consul General’s home. The President also oversees any educational events, such as Japanese classes or special classes to prepare new JETs.
Membership Coordinator
The Membership/Marketing Coordinator reaches out to welcome back new returnees each fall; develops strategies to keep members engaged with the organization and updated on NEJETAA events and activities; and takes meeting minutes to be distributed to the yahoo group and posted online on the NEJETAA website. The Membership/Marketing Coordinator welcomes new people who register with yahoo groups or on our website throughout the year and collects their membership data, which is required by CLAIR to substantiate our funding.
Communications Coordinator/Webmaster
The Webmaster maintains our online presence, keeping the website up to date in content and with photographs. The webmaster also assists people to post content to the website, such as job descriptions and events for the calendar. The webmaster supports marketing/outreach with the NEJETAA website and Facebook pages to attract more users and make the site more comprehensive and resourceful.
Social Chair (6 month term, up for full 1-year term election in May 2013)
The Social Chair provides leadership to the Social Committee in planning and carrying out various social events. The social chair works closely with the Membership Clerk to provide integrated planning so that we can reach new members and understand member needs and interests.
Social Committee Members (Volunteer ANY TIME!)
The Social Committee plans approximately one event per month, such as Happy Hours, the Welcome party, NihongoDake dinners, etc. The members of the social committee (generally about 3-5 members at any given time) are volunteers (rather than elected people) and are not considered officers.