Update: pictures from the reception can be found on our Facebook page here.
Great news! There will be an Opening Reception for the NEJETAA photography exhibit—I hope that you can all come.
Monday, May 21, 6:00-8:00pm
Logan Airport Terminal E, Lower (Arrival) Level
We need rsvp’s for the catering headcount (hors d’oeuvres and wine/beer).
Please reply by next Friday, May 18 (you are welcome to bring friends, just let us know how many/who)
Jason Currier will take responses at j.currier at cgjbos dot org
BTW, the opening will also be in celebration of the works of Michio Ihara, a remarkable sculptor whose works are also newly on display in Terminal E.
Susan Gill
Assistant for Information and Cultural Affairs
Consulate General of Japan
Federal Reserve Plaza, 22nd Floor
600 Atlantic Avenue
Boston, MA 02210