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The results of the Nov. 2015 NEJETAA Officer Elections are released!

President: Daniel Lowe (Chiba-ken)

Membership/Marketing Coordinator: Collin Rozanski (Shiga-ken)

Webmaster/Communications Coordinator: Jesse Welty (Saga-ken), appointed

Due to Dan Lowe’s transition to President from Vice-President, we would also like to welcome Mike Buonadonna (Akita-ken) to fill the end of Dan’s VP term.

We look forward to great things this year! Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!

We would like to thank outgoing President Leslie Risak, Membership Coordinator Bill Zagata, and Webmaster/Communications Coordinator Tim Ogino for their service to NEJETAA. Otsukaresama deshita!

Look out for upcoming events and exciting things to come in this new generation of NEJETAA leadership.

JREX (The Japan Resource Exchange) is hosting the 5th Annual Japan Film Festival in Boston.

This year JREX is working with the NY Japan Cinefest to bring you an excellent program of recent short films.

今年で第5回目となる映画祭です。今回はNY JAPAN Cinefestからの協力を得て、ショートフィルム6本を上映いたします。

入場料:$10(JREX会員は$5、MIT学生は無料) お申込み:下記フォームよりお願いします。 1:50pm~ The 8th Samurai  7人の侍をもじったユーモラスな映画 Tadaima       インターメントキャンプについて15分映画 A Warm Spell     日本の田舎での物語 3:15pm〜 Intermission インターミッション10分 Little Kyota Errand Hood 京太のお使い 福島のことも少し考えさせられる子供映画 Monk by Blood  お寺に生まれたから、住職になる運命という留学生のドキュメンタリー Reflection 女装していく子供を見つめる母と子供の物語 4:35p〜 Reflection Director Q&A 5:10pm〜 Reception (at next door class room) 6:00pm Doors Close

See the event on Facebook:

NEJETAA Executive Officer Elections (11/21-11/29):

Online Voting is now open for the November 2015 NEJETAA Executive Officer Elections.

Please read the candidate platforms and instructions below. You can cast your vote on the Google Form HERE.

Voting Rules:

  1. Each NEJETAA member is entitled to cast one ballot only.

  2. You have to option to vote for a single candidate or abstain for each position

  3. This poll will be open from its posting, until 11:59PM ET on Nov 29th.

To be an eligible NEJETAA member (required to vote), you must:

  1. Be an alumnus/alumna of the JET Program

  2. Currently reside in the New England region (CT, RI, VT, NH, ME, or MA)

Read the Candidate Platforms Below:

Dan Lowe for President

My name is Dan Lowe (Chiba Prefecture, 2011 – 2013) and, since joining the board in June 2014, I have had the opportunity to serve first as Social Chair, and then as Vice President. I am now seeking the position of President.

The activity I am proudest of organizing was a day trip to Portland, Maine, which was successful in attracting members both from the Boston area and Maine. As we plan activities outside of Boston that engage our non-Boston based membership, not to mention important keystone events like Japan Festival and Orientation, we should not neglect “easy-but-regular” events. One of my major goals as president will be to promote the second Sunday of each month as a day/night for NEJETAA social events such as nihongo dake, nabe, and casual networking

Most of my ideas come from my experience representing our chapter at the JETAA National Conferences in Seattle and Detroit. It was at these two conferences that I built relationships with JET alumni from all over the US and Canada, exchanged ideas, and discussed solutions to common problems.

Our brightest days as a chapter are ahead and I look forward to working with all of you.

Collin Rozanski for Membership Coordinator

My name is Collin Rozanski and I would like to submit my name for Membership Coordinator for the NEJETAA. I spent a year as an ALT in elementary and middle schools in Shiga prefecture, and returned this past July. I am looking forward to continuing my involvement in JET by acting as your membership coordinator.

Upon returning to Boston four months ago I was excited to meet fellow JET alums through the NEJETAA, but found myself having to search out the alumni association through social media. As a result, I would like to take a more proactive role in contacting returning JETs as your Membership Coordinator. I believe that returning JETs will naturally be most enthusiastic about their experiences in Japan when they first come back to the states, and so want encourage participation and event interest as early as possible. I am also looking forward to working with the Social Coordinator and other officers to offer a variety of events that appeal to all alumni JETs in the area.

Thank you for considering me for your new Membership Coordinator.

Communications Coordinator / Webmaster


If you are interested in this position, please contact interim Communications Coordinator Tim (webmaster AT

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